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Easy Kayaking on Kiskonjoki River 2 hrs

Easy Kayaking on Kiskonjoki River 2 hrs
€39.00 / 2 h
Price includes 1 person.

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Valla Outdoorsinfo@vallaoutdoors.com0415346742Company id:3107558-2Merchant terms
kayaking on river

Easy Kayking on Kiskonjoki River

  • Fri Aug 2nd from 2.30-4.30 pm

By Kiskonjoki River you can enjoy a calming atmosphere of Finnish country side. Kiskonjoki river runs through fields on a quiet pace. This trip is easy, so it is suitable also for people with less kayking experience.

Before Trip

You will have instructions and a gear list by email before the trip. Beforestarting the actual guide will go through some kayaking basics with you and

Ennen lähtöä tutustumme maissa kajakkeihin ja melontavarusteisiin sekä käymme läpi melonnan turvallisuuteen liittyviä asioita. 

During the trip

We start by Heikkiläntie bridge. Address is Heikkiläntie 629. Your guide will give you an intorduction to your kayaking gear and some basic kayaking technics and go through all safety rules.

Length of a paddling trip is around 2 hours and 6-8 km total. Group will have a short breaks on kaykas for drinking water and having snacks. But there will be no opprotunity to get out from a kayak. Paddling pace is very peacful. So this is not a very sporty trip but more of an enjoyment.

Trip is suitable for anyone who has tried kayaking once or twice. To have swimming skills is the only mandatory.

Contact us: info@vallaoutdoors.com, +358415346742