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Try Kayking on Meripirtti 2,5 h

Try Kayking on Meripirtti 2,5 h
€39.00 / 2 h
Price includes 1 person.


Valla Outdoorsinfo@vallaoutdoors.com0415346742Company id:3107558-2Merchant terms

Meripirtti Beach - Easy guided kayaking tour for beginners

Have you always wanted to try kayking? Or do you like water sports and wish to test kayak on your holiday trip on Särkisalo?

Valla Outdoors offers an easy and safe option for you. Book our guided Try Kayaking Trip. You will have a good intoduction to kayaking, kayaking gear and safety. Then you will have about an hour paddling to a little sandy beach. You will have a break and enjoy little snacks and drinks. Then padlding back to Meripirtti Beach.

Trips available on Meripirtti Beach

  • Fri Aug 2nd from 10 am to 12.30 am

  • Tue Aug 6th from 4 pm to 6.30 pm

Before Trip

You will have a reminder in your email. In same email you will have all information to get prepared for your guided kayking trip: meeting place and gear list.

Before starting the trip your guide will go through little bit of kayaking basics and safety rules: all gear, how to sit in a kayak, how to hold the paddle, and how to use the paddle while kayaking.

During your trip

On Try Kayaking on Meripirtti Trip you will paddle to a small beach, have a break and paddle back. Length of whole kayaking trip is around 4 km. Paddling time is around 45 minutes to one direction.

This trip is suitable for all healty adults who can swim. We remind you that you cannot participate while intoxicated and it is prohibeted to use any alcohol or drugs during this trip.

All our guides are locals from coastal area, outdoor professionals and warm hearted people.

Contact us: info@vallaoutdoor.com, + 358 415346742